Definitio: seeing through the many euphemisms


reenland is a country.

According to the source of all truth, the mighty Wikipedia, “Greenlandic: Kalaallit Nunaat, pronounced [kalaːɬit nunaːt]; Danish: Grønland, pronounced [ˈkʁɶnˌlænˀ]) is an autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark,[9][10] located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.”

Then, there is that blob, that orange spot in a white house, Donald Trump.He is the President of the United Stated of America. Trump is a bigot, an openly racist, homophobic conman, who somehow managed to become the president of the “most powerful“ nation on the planet. Trump has spent much of his time describing the “plight of white America“, which is under attack by millions of terrorists, rapists and murderers. They all come from “shithole“ countries, such as Ghana, Uganda, Mexico, El Salvador.

According to himself Donald Trump is not racist. How could he be, when the best taco bowl on this side of the border is served in Trump Tower, NYC?

“Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”

Besides the taco bowls in Trump Tower, there is also El Paso. There, in El Paso, on August 3 2019, a man armed with Donald Trump's words and some actual hardware committed an act of “mass shooting“ at a Walmart store leaving twenty two people dead and injuring twenty four others. Among the victims was of course the killer's sister, for that's USA baby.

Joined with El Paso and the cringing photoshoot of his wife Melania holding a baby that was made an orphan just a few hours earlier as a result of her husband's “tough talk” on “invaders,” there is also the looming recession. As it stands, no amount of bigotry, lying, stupidity, ruthlessness and above all uselessness can shake this presidency. If anything can knock the turd off its stool, that will be a “looming recession”. That's because Trump's playbook is all about how great the economy is performing at the hands of a hardened, take no prisoners, deal making king of a president. It is not. It's of course beyond the scope of this note that the blip

MAYORE image by wellsdunbar CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

of positive numbers we saw at the beginning of this man's “presidency“ was in fact down to whatever his predecessor's team, Obama's, managed. A fully-blown recession has the potential to rid the world of the turd at the helm of the largest economy and weapons on the planet, thus clearing up the air from the stench and allowing the rest of us to carry on with our lives, challenging and challenges as they already are.

Now, what does El Paso and the looming recession have to do with Greenland? Well, faced with the music, the president reacted just like any character in Hare's book would. He comes up with a diversion. A diversion so absurd, so surreal that's got everyone bemused, everyone scratching their heds. That's the whole point, everyone. A diversion against such life and death matters has to be a strong one. Since he cannot bomb Iran overnight, or nuke Damascus, the president has got twitter at his disposal. Thus, he twits that he, the US that is, for “L'état, C'est Moi“ with Donald (except is not an état but a personal real estate item,) will be buying Greenland. As a statement, as a declaration of “intent“ by a sitting American president, that he will be buying a country and its people in a transaction just like any real estate deal, is beyond absurd, beyond ridiculous. It is so blatantly designed to divert any attention from Donald’s actual problems , so much so that really doesn't merit any analysis whatsoever.

“Why does Donald Trump want to buy Greenland?” - The Guardian, Aug. 19, 19

Looking up legal definitions, consulting the annals of diplomacy, consulting one's own mental shelf of geography, visiting Freud and Aristotle, is an insult to them and to humanity, science, the arts.

The only writer who can shed some light on this farce is Robert D. Hare, the man who made psychopathy a serious term to study and analyse. I personally have many objections to the significance or even clinical validity of the term. I tend to believe that what he calls psychopaths are what I simply call arseholes, and Trump is one of them. In my view, at the centre of what Hare calls a “psychopath’s views,” lies a gross misunderstanding, namely that everything and everyone has a price.

The Greenlanders stating the obvious. El Paso all but forgotten.

Because roughly up to 97.5% of any population are eventually willing to be silenced, bought out, strong-armed or otherwise bullied into submission, the “psychopath” appears to be correct but, in real life, the "rule" doesn't stand. In this view apparently Greenland has a price tag. Perhaps Copenhagen, exhausted from assisting the country financially to the tune of half a billion dollars per annum, as of 2017’s budget, could be willing to sell it. I mean, sell the land and its inhabitants to the US President in a classic real estate deal, albeit the largest ever. The idea here is of course that everyone now is talking about Greenland, and the president’s absurd “proposition.” El Paso didn’t happen, nor is there a recession looming.

It is sad that publications such as the NYT, the Guardian, the Washington Post, El Pais, Le Monde, Kathimerini, cannot quietly and discreetly agree between them simply to not publish such bobbins. It is a news item, therefore it has to be published. Serious, decent people, editors, writers, readers, are made to read this crap and take it as a news item, worth spending some brain activity to decipher it. There is nothing here to decipher, just the tactics of a psychpathic teenager who thinks he's the smartest.