
Petros Diveris

rexit's got nothing to do with Europe. Rather, it has always been about the cowardice of a Tory party which could not and would not take responsibility and make a decision regarding the sort of party they want to be. A party harking back to a fictitious, louscious, "self sufficient" and confident England, as they imagine the pre-30s times, or indeed a party for supercharhed hypercapitalism, all for deregulation, offshore funds and speculation. Lazy as they are they threw that question at the hapless electorate in the form of a yes/no referendum for an entirely unrelated constititional matter. No wonder then that neither the electorate nor the House of Commons could and would answer that on behalf of the lazy Etonians. It's a great irony then that we are fast approaching the point where the only way out of this mess caused by the unbelievable laziness and idleness of this despicable lot seems to be another referendum. If that happens then we'll have the unique situation where the citizens of this country but also the fellow Europeans will have essentially saved the Tories from themselves, after having wasted three years for nothing. I will run out of words if we reach that point, but it does seem to me increasingly likely.